Yu Lu吕羽








副教授,硕士生导师,计算机科学与技术系副主任,深圳市海外高层次“孔雀计划”C类人才。目前已发表学术论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在《Future Generation Computer Systems》、《Artificial Intelligence in Medicine》、《Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine》、《Reliability Engineering & System Safety》等JCR一区期刊上发表学术论文8篇;在AAAI、BIBM、ISBI等国际学术会议上发表论文多篇。此外,还获得了1项国家发明专利授权,并申请了6项国家发明专利,实现科技成果转化1项。

  • 2022.12-至今,深圳技术大学,副教授
  • 2018.09-2022.11,深圳技术大学,助理教授
  • 2017.03-2018.08,深圳京柏医疗科技股份有限公司,科学家(方向为基于人工智能、物联网及可穿戴设备的医疗器械与系统研发)
  • 2015.10-2017.03,英国克兰菲尔德大学,博士后(方向为水面无人艇的制导算法与形式化验证)
  • 2011.10-2015.09,英国格拉斯哥大学,计算机科学专业,博士(方向为卫星导航系统的形式化验证)


  • [03/2024] 3 papers accepted to IJCNN 2024,硕士生一作×3。
  • [03/2024] 1 poster paper accepted to ACM CF 2024,本科生一作。
  • [02/2024] 1 paper accepted to ACM CF 2024。
  • [02/2024] 1 paper accepted to ISBI 2024,硕士生一作。
  • [11/2023] 1 paper accepted to BIBM 2023,本科生一作。
  • [05/2023] 2 papers accepted to ICIC 2023,本科生一作×1。
  • [04/2023] 1 paper accepted to EMBC 2023,硕士生一作。
  • [12/2022] 1 paper accepted to Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,硕士生一作。
  • [04/2022] 1 paper accepted to EMBC 2022,硕士生一作。
  • [07/2021] 1 paper accepted to Future Generation Computer Systems,本科生一作。《“别人家的学生”!深圳技术大学本科生在国际期刊与国际会议中发表科研论文》,【腾讯】【新浪】,【深圳特区报】等媒体进行报道。



  1. 广东省普通高校重点领域专项(生物医药与健康),2023ZDZX2055,基于AI多模态的妇幼健康状况中医诊断关键技术研究,2023.10-2026.10,20万元,主持
  2. 2024年大数据系统计算技术国家工程实验室开放课题面上项目,基于大数据和大模型的多模态深度学习技术预测不良分娩结局的研究,2024.01-2025.12,2万元,参与。
  3. 2023年机器人学国家重点实验室开放课题,基于触觉的水下机械手感知建模与抓取仿真研究,2023.12-2025.12,5万元,参与。
  4. 深圳市新引进高端人才科研启动项目,2019010801011,应用于移动及嵌入式物联网系统的深度学习技术研究,2019.1-2021.12,170万元,优秀结题,主持
  5. 深圳市技术攻关面上项目,2021325715,重2022233 “互联网+”智慧母胎监 护技术研发,2022.1-2023.12,164万元,在研,参与。
  6. 广东省重点建设学科科研能力提升项目,2022ZDJS112,基于云边协同的多模态感知服务型人机交互系统关键技术研究,2023.1-2025.12,80万元,参与。
  7. 广东省重点建设学科科研能力提升项目,2022ZDJS117,基于神经辐射场的高效视频编码技术研究,2023.1-2025.12,100万元,参与。
  8. 广东省普通高校科研项目(特色创新类),2019KTSCX204,结合知识推理的弱监督混合式智能问答关键技术研究,2020.1-2021.12,10万元,参与。
  9. 深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划面上项目,SZWD2021011,基于多模态知识感知的混合式特定域智能问答模型与方法研究,2020.9-2023.12,30万元,参与。
  10. 深圳市科技应用示范项目,KJYY20170721163528274,智慧妇幼物联网围产期健康管理平台,2017.4-2020.4,300万元,结题,主持


  1. 横向项目,20210202027,基于人工智能技术的自主玻璃幕墙清洁机器人研发,2021.7-2023.12,50万元,在研,主持。
  2. 深圳技术大学校企合作人才培养项目,201922002,医疗大数据联合实验室,2021.6-2024.5,100万,在研,主持。
  3. 教育部供需对接就业育人项目,20230109806,深圳技术大学计算机科学与技术专业人力资源提升项目,2023.1-2023.12,2万元,在研,主持。
  4. 教育部供需对接就业育人项目,20230103577,百度公司实训实践基地项目,2023.1-2023.12,在研,参与。
  5. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,202101207006,基于大数据背景下面向计算思维的大学计算机基础课程改革与实践,2021.3-2023.2,5万元,在研,主持。
  6. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,202101207006,新工科背景下应用技术型大学计算机基础课程建设研究,2021.3-2023.2,50万元,结题,参与。
  7. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,201902259017,腾讯-深圳技术大学人工智能实践基地建设,2020.9-2021.8,2万元,结题,参与。
  8. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,201901215018,基于vGPU环境的AI实践教学平台,2019.10-2020.9,50万元,结题,参与。
  9. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,201802083053,基于人工智能技术的测试数据中心构建,2019.1-2019.12,1万元,结题,参与。


  1. 深圳技术大学大数据与互联网学院一般教学改革项目,BDI202301010,应用技术型大学计算机科学与技术一流本科专业建设的理论研究与实践,主持。
  2. 深圳技术大学大数据与互联网学院特色课程建设项目,BDI202302012,机器学习导论,主持。
  3. 广东省高等教育教学改革项目,20211056040002,应用型大学计算机基础课程改革探索,2021.1-2022.12,10万元,结题,参与。
  4. 深圳技术大学教学改革研究项目,2018105101031,新工科背景下基于LEGO Mindstorms机器人系统的大学计算机基础课程创新教学的研究,2018.12—2020.11,5万,优秀结题,主持。




  1. Qingjun Cao, Hongzan Sun, Hua Wang, Xueyan Liu, Yu Lu, Liang Huo*. Comparative study of neonatal brain injury fetuses using machine learning methods for perinatal data, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 240:107701, October 2023. (中科院2区)
  2. Huanwen Liang, Yu Lu*. A CNN-RNN unified framework for intrapartum cardiotocograph classification, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 229:107300, February 2023. (中科院2区)
  3. Yucheng Song, Shengbing Ren, Yu Lu, Xianghua Fu, Kelvin K.L. Wong*. Deep Learning-Based Automatic Segmentation of Images in Cardiac Radiography: A Promising Challenge, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 220:106821, June 2022. (中科院2区)
  4. Ming He, Xudong Zhao, Yu Lu, and Yi Hu*. An improved AlexNet model for automated skeletal maturity assessment using hand X-ray images. Future Generation Computer Systems, 121:106-113, August 2021. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  5. Mojisola Grace Asogbon, Yu Lu, Oluwarotimi Williams Samuel, Liwen Jing, Alice A. Miller, Guanglin Li, Kelvin K.L. Wong*. GBRAMP: A generalized backtracking regularized adaptive matching pursuit algorithm for signal reconstruction. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 92:107189, June 2021. (中科院3区)
  6. Xiaoqing Li, Yu Lu*, Xianghua Fu, and Yingjian Qi. Building the Internet of Things platform for smart maternal healthcare services with wearable devices and cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 118:282-296, May 2021. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  7. Xiliang Zhu, Yang Wei, Yu Lu, Ming Zhao, Ke Yang, Shiqian Wu, Zhang Hui, and Kelvin K.L. Wong. Comparative analysis of active contour and convolutional neural network in rapid left-ventricle volume quantification using echocardiographic imaging. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 199:105914, February 2021. (中科院2区)
  8. Yu Lu, Xi Zhang, Liwen Jing, Xiaoqing Li, and Xianghua Fu*. Estimation of the foetal heart rate baseline based on singular spectrum analysis and empirical mode decomposition. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112:126-135, November 2020. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  9. Ming Zhao, Yang Wei, Yu Lu, and Kelvin K.L. Wong. A novel U-Net approach to segment the cardiac chamber in magnetic resonance images with ghost artifacts. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 196:105623, May 2020. (中科院2区)
  10. Xu Chen, Jianjun Li, Yanchao Zhang, Yu Lu, and Shaoyu Liu*. Automatic feature extraction in X-ray image based on deep learning approach for determination of bone age. Future Generation Computer Systems, 110:795-801, September 2020. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  11. Yu Lu, Xianghua Fu, Fangxiong Chen, Kelvin K.L. Wong*. Prediction of fetal weight at varying gestational age in the absence of ultrasound examination using ensemble learning, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 102:101748, January 2020. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  12. Yu Lu, Yingjian Qi, Xianghua Fu*. A framework for intelligent analysis of digital cardiotocographic signals from IoMT-based foetal monitoring. Future Generation Computer Systems, 101:1130-1141, December 2019. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)
  13. Xianghua Fu, Yanzhi Wei, Fan Xu*, Ting Wang, Yu Lu, Jianqiang Li, Joshua Zhexue Huang. Semi-supervised Aspect-level Sentiment Classification Model based on Variational Autoencoder. Knowledge-Based Systems, 171:81-92, May 2019. (CCF C类, 中科院1区)


  1. Zichang Yu, Yating Hu, Yu Lu*, Leya Li, Huilin Ge, Xianghua Fu. CTGGAN: Reliable Fetal Heart Rate Signal Generation Using GANs. Proceedings of the 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Yokohama, Japan, June 30-July 5, 2024. (CCF C类)
  2. Zhenpeng Xu, Pan Sun, Yu Lu*, Huilin Ge, Meng Li, Yingjian Qi. Intuitive UAV Operation: A Novel Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-Distance Gesture Recognition. Proceedings of the 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Yokohama, Japan, June 30-July 5, 2024. (CCF C类)
  3. Ruijie Zhao, Yu Lu*, Leya Li, Huilin Ge, Xianghua Fu. AMRUNet: An Attention-Guided MultiResUNet for Continuous Noninvasive Blood Pressure Estimation. Proceedings of the 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Yokohama, Japan, June 30-July 5, 2024. (CCF C类)
  4. Leya Li, Yu Lu*. MSEU-Net: A Multi-Scale Deep Learning Framework for Precise FHR Baseline Determination. Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (ACM CF 2024), Ischia, Naples, Italy, May 7-9, 2024. (CCF C类)
  5. Yu Lu, Yating Hu, Leya Li, Zhanpeng Xu, Hongwei Liu, Huanwen Liang*, Xianghu Fu. CvTGNet: A Novel Framework for Chest X-Ray Multi-label Classification. Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (ACM CF 2024), Ischia, Naples, Italy, May 7-9, 2024. (CCF C类)
  6. Huanwen Liang, Leya Li, Yu Lu*, Qianying Liu, Huilin Ge, Xianghu Fu. LAGNet: Label Attention Graph Networks for Ocular Disease Classification using Fundus Images. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Athens, Greece, May 27-30, 2024.
  7. Leying Zhang, Xiaokang Deng, Yu Lu*. Segment Anything Model (SAM) for Medical Image Segmentation: A Preliminary Review. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2023), Istanbul, Turkey, December 5-8, 2023. (CCF B类)
  8. Yu Lu*, Huanwen Liang, Zichang Yu, Xianghu Fu. MT-1DCG: A Novel Model for Multivariate Time Series Classification. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2023), 222–234, Zhengzhou, China, August 10-13, 2023. (CCF C类)
  9. Cang Chen, Weifang Xie, Zhiqi Cai, Yu Lu*. Deep Learning for Cardiotocography Analysis: Challenges and Promising Advances. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2023), 354–366, Zhengzhou, China, August 10-13, 2023. (CCF C类)
  10. Weifang Xie, Cang Chen, Yu Lu*. Detection of Atrial Fibrillation based on Feature Fusion using Attention-based BiLSTM. Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2023), Sydney, Australia, July 24-27, 2023.
  11. Huanwen Liang, Yu Lu*, Qianying Liu, Xianghua Fu. Fully Automatic Classification of Cardiotocographic Signals with 1D-CNN and Bi-directional GRU. Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2022), 4590-4594, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 11-15, 2022.
  12. Yu Lu*, Xi Zhang, Liwen Jing, Xianghua Fu. Data Enhancement and Deep Learning for Bone Age Assessment using The Standards of Skeletal Maturity of Hand and Wrist for Chinese. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2021), 2605-2609, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-5, 2021.
  13. Yu Lu*, Xianghua Fu, Xiaoqing Li, Yingjian Qi. Cardiac Chamber Segmentation Using Deep Learning on Magnetic Resonance Images from Patients Before and After Atrial Septal Occlusion Surgery. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2020), 1211-1216, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 20-24, 2020.
  14. Yu Lu, Xi Zhang, Xianghua Fu, Fangxiong Chen, Kelvin K.L. Wong*. Ensemble Machine Learning for Estimating Fetal Weight at Varying Gestational Age. Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), 9522-9527, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 27 - February 1, 2019. (CCF A类)


  1. Hanlin Niu, Yu Lu, Al Savvaris*, Antonios Tsourdos. An energy-efficient path planning algorithm for unmanned surface vehicles. Ocean Engineering, 161:308-321, August 2018. (中科院1区)
  2. Yu Lu*, Alice A. Miller, Ruth Hoffmann, Christopher W. Johnson. Towards the Automated Verification of Weibull Distributions for System Failure Rates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9933:81-96, September 2016.
  3. Zhaoguang Peng, Yu Lu*, Alice Miller, Tingdi Zhao, Chris Johnson. Formal Specification and Quantitative Analysis of a Constellation of Navigation Satellites. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(2):345-361, March 2016. (中科院3区)
  4. Zhaoguang Peng, Yu Lu*, Alice Miller, Chris Johnson, Tingdi Zhao. Risk Assessment of Railway Transportation Systems using Timed Fault Trees. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(1):181-194, February 2016. (中科院3区)
  5. Yu Lu, Zhaoguang Peng*, Alice Miller, Tingdi Zhao, Chris Johnson. How reliable is satellite navigation for aviation? Checking availability properties with probabilistic verification. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 144:95-116, December 2015. (中科院1区)